31 August 2011

Census 1880 - Lund Families - Plain City, Weber, Utah

Three families on one page! This was a very interesting census and raised a lot of questions. Let's get to it.
1880 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 100, page 10, dwelling 68, family 68, Willard Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry (Ancestry.com : downloaded 30 August 2011); Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Lines 1-3. Dwelling #63, Family #63.
Line 1. Lund, Lewis, W, M, 26, married, farmer, 6 mo. unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 2. -----. Minnie, W, F, 19, Wife, married, Strand Hat Maker, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 3. -----, Lewis, W, M, 1, Son, sick with measles, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Utah.
Cute young couple with a young son, who was unfortunately sick with the measles on the day of enumeration. I wonder what exactly a Strand Hat Maker is? At least I think it said Strand.

Lines 5-7. Dwelling #64, Family #64.
Line 5. Lund, Didrick, W, M, 60, married, Farmer, 8 mo. unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 6. -----, Catherine, W, F, 60, Wife, married, keeping house, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 7. Jacobson, Hanse, W, M, 19, Nephew, Single, Boarder, 9 mo. unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
This is the first time I've seen the name Hanse Jacobson. He's listed as a nephew, so I wonder who's child he is...sibling of Didrick or Catherine (Karen). Interesting that Didrick is now using the last name name Lund.

Lines 25-29. Dwelling #68, Family #68.
Line 25. Lund, Willard, W, M, 21, married, farmer, 6 mo. unemployed, cannot write, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 26. -----, Bertie, W, F, 31, Wife, married, keeping house, pob: Norway, father pob: Norway, mother pob: Norway.
Line 27. -----, Annie, W, F, 10, Daughter, at school, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway.
Line 28. -----, Willard, W, M, 2, Son, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway.
Line 29. -----, George, W, M, 4/12, born in Feb 1880, Son, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway.
Now this is where it gets really interesting! Willard is 21 and married to Bertie (Bertha) who is 31. Quite an age difference. Then, Annie, their "daughter" is 10 years old...making Willard 11 years old when she was born. I doubt that he's her biological father. So now I wonder, who was Bertie's first husband? I did some digging and found that her first husband was Hans Peter Funk Lund - that's right - Willard's older brother! So Annie is really Willard's niece and Bertie's daughter. Young Willard and George are Annie's brother-cousins! Awkward! I will definitely be looking into this some more.

30 August 2011

Census 1900 - Karen "Funk" Lund - Plain City, Weber, Utah

Source: 1900 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 194, sheet 1, dwelling 12,, family 12, Karon C. Lund; digital images, Family Search (FamilySearch.org : downloaded 30 August 2011); FHL microfilm, 1854 reels.

Line 45. Dwelling #12, Family #12.
Lund, Karon C., Head, W, F, born Oct 1815, age 84, Widow,had 6 children 4 still living, place of birth: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark, immigrated 1871, in US for 29 years, can read, can write, can speak English, Owned, free, House.

A few interesting things about this census.

  1. Her name is misspelled as Karon instead of Karen.
  2. She's using the Lund last name instead of Funk.
  3. Karen was living alone in a house in Plain City. 
  4. She never did end up naturalizing.
  5. She is listed as having had 6 children with 4 still living. I have 7 children's names (although only 4 would be living in 1900).

28 August 2011

Week 10: Wheels

Chapter 2 - Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

Did you have a bicycle or a scooter? Tell me about it. How about skates or a go cart? Did you skate a lot? Ride your go cart a lot? Ever have a serious accident on these wheels?

How do you feel about skate boards?

Were these things important to you?

Was there a bicycle or pair of skates you did NOT have, but wished or dreamed or prayed for?

Do you remember any special cars or trucks that your family owned during these years? Anything unusual about these vehicles? I'd love to hear about it.

21 August 2011

Week 9: Trucks & Dolls & ....

After a short hiatus (because of Finals and end of summer fun) we can now return to our "Book of Memories".

Chapter 2 - Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)

I'd like to hear about the toys you played with as a young child. During these early years, did you have any toys or playthings that were particularly meaningful to you? What were they? Why were they so special?

Do you have any memories of a toy that you wished for but never received (or never got the chance to play with?) What was it? Why was that toy so important to you?

How about musical instruments? Did you learn (or try to learn) to play the piano, violin, trumpet or ??? Was music important or unimportant to you during these years?

What about dolls? Describe yours to me. Did they have names? Why was it, they, so special? Would you encourage your children or grandchildren to preserve or save these special toys? Why or why not?

12 August 2011

Didrich Funch - Christening Record

Danish State Archives, "Kirkebøger," digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline (www.sa.dk/ao/ : downloaded 15 July 2011), Didrich Funch, Christening Record, 1816; Nylarskar Parish.

This one was really hard to read. I did the best I could then asked the experts over at the Family Search Denmark Forum. JensenJN helped me out again and filled in some of the missing information. 



Aar og Datum
Year and Date
1816, 25 Marts
1816, 25 March

Barnets fulde Navn
Child’s full name
Didrich Funch

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme
Christening Date either in the church or at home
1816, 3 April
I Kirken
1816, 3 April
at the church

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted
Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence
Ugivt Quinde, Gertrude
Christine Didrichsdatter
tilhuse p[aa] Degnegaarden i
N[ylarsker], udlagde ved Henrich
Pedersens Kone af Degnegaarden
til Barnefader Johan Rihs,
som er bortrejst ./Ungkarl/.
Unmarried woman, Gertrude
Christine Didrichsdatter
at home at Degnegaarden in
Nylarsker, claimed by Henrich
Pedersen's wife of Degnegaarden
as child father Johan Rihs,
who has traveled away ./bachelor/.

From JensenJN:
some words are spelled different in today's Danish:

  • ugivt is now ugift = unmarried
  • quinde is now kvinde = woman, the spelling is very old and believed to be the origin of the English word 'Queen'
  • tilhuse actually 'at house' would today not be used. We would today use 'boede' = lived

Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted
Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence
Christine Jens Hansens p[aa] 19 Sgd i N[ylarsker]
Anna Andreassesdatter p[aa] 32 Sgd i N[ylarsker]
Jens Mognsen p[aa] Sgds ??? i N[ylarsker] og Peder
Olsen Ridder ibid:, Andreas Andersen
af Pedersker S[ogn]. Søren Pedersen p[aa] 6 V??-
neg[a]d[e] i N[ylarsker]
Christine Jens Hansen's [likely wife] in 19 [Søndergade?] in Nylarsker
Anna Andreassesdatter on 32 [Søndergade?] in Nylarsker
Jens Mognsen on Sgds ??? in Nylarsker and Peder
Olsen Ridder same place, Andreas Andersen
of Pedersker parish. Søren Pedersen on 6 V??-
negade in Nylarsker.???

Hvor anført i jevnfø relsesRegistret.
Where posted in the Index Register
no. 71, 6

Uægte Dreng
p: geistlig ????
Moderen første Gang
udenfor Ægteskab
Illegitimate Boy
[??? ecclesiastic ????]
The mother first time
outside matrimony

Now I have a few questions...First, where did the last name Funch come from? Didrich's mother's, Gertrude, last name was Didrichsdatter (so her father was named Didrich?)...was his last name Funch? Didrich's father is listed as Johan Rihs and Gertrude is listed as unmarried. Did she ever marry Johan? When and who did she marry? I'll have to keep digging in the parish records. I should also track down the index register and see what that has to say.

I signed up for some classes at the Family History Library in SLC specifically on researching in Denmark. I'm super excited to learn even more!

01 August 2011

SNGF - "Heritage Pie Chart" - Julliana's side

Continuing on with yesterday's post, here's my chart:

Turn's out, I'm Brazilian! :) I knew that...I mean, I was born in Brazil and all! I've often had people ask me how my parents ended up in Brazil so I was born there - yes I look like a "white girl" - but as you can see, I am Brazilian (by way of Portugal) through and through:

This side of the family is much more vague than Troy's. I don't have a lot of information on everyone and it's hard to get documents. Family Search has some Brazilian sources, and the Family History library has a lot more, but right now I just can't there.

Here's the details:

17.  Petronila Rosalina DOS PRAZERES has reference number 17. She was born in Brazil. She died in Brazil. Petronila Rosalina DOS PRAZERES was married.

18.  Luiz Jose MARINHO was born about 1864 in Brazil. He was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. He was endowed on 3 Oct 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Luiz has reference number 18. He died in Brazil. Avelina DO REGO and Luiz Jose MARINHO were married in 1889 in Brazil. They were sealed together on 27 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple.

19.  Avelina DO REGO was born in 1868 in Brazil. She was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. She was endowed on 13 Aug 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Avelina has reference number 19. She died in Brazil.

20.  Francisco Ferreira FONSECA was born in 1859 in Portugal. He was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. He was endowed on 13 Aug 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Francisco has reference number 20. He died in Brazil. Barbara RITA and Francisco Ferreira FONSECA were married in 1884 in Brazil. They were sealed together on 27 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple.

21.  Barbara RITA was born in 1863 in Portugal. She was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. She was endowed on 22 Oct 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Barbara has reference number 21. She died in Portugal.

22.  Francisco THOME was born about 1861 in Portugal. He was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. He was endowed on 22 Oct 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Francisco has reference number 22. He died in Brazil. Maria DE JESUS and Francisco THOME were married in 1883 or 1886. They were sealed together on 27 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple.

23.  Maria DE JESUS was born about 1865 in Portugal. She was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. She was endowed on 23 Oct 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Maria died in Brazil.

24.  Ildefonso de Souza LIMA was born (date unknown). Maria da Conceicao DE JESUZ and Ildefonso de Souza LIMA were married.

25.  Maria da Conceicao DE JESUZ was born (date unknown).

26.  Raimundo QUIRINO was born about 1875 in Brazil. He was baptized into the LDS Church on 30 Oct 1998 in the Mount Timpanogos Utah temple. He was endowed on 19 Nov 1998 in the Ogden Utah temple. Raimundo has reference number 10. He died in Brazil. Raimundo QUIRINO was married.

28.  Joao Pedro DA SILVA was born in 1872 in Brazil. He died on 12 Mar 1954 at the age of 82 in Brazil. He was baptized into the LDS Church on 15 Sep 1990 in the Ogden Utah temple. Joao was endowed on 30 Oct 1990 in the Ogden Utah temple. He has reference number 12. Maria Luiza DAS NEVES and Joao Pedro DA SILVA were married in 1909 in Brazil. They were sealed together on 27 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple.

29.  Maria Luiza DAS NEVES was born in 1881 in Paraiba, Brazil. She died on 8 May 1922 at the age of 41 in Brazil. She was baptized into the LDS Church on 15 Sep 1990 in the Ogden Utah temple. Maria was endowed on 30 Oct 1990 in the Ogden Utah temple. She was sealed to her parents on 14 Mar 1992 in the Ogden Utah temple.

30.  Antonio Ferreira DA SILVA was born in 1885 in Itambe, Pernambuco, Brazil. He died on 26 Apr 1945 at the age of 60 in Brazil. He was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Antonio was endowed on 23 Oct 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. Sebastiana LIBERALINA and Antonio Ferreira DA SILVA were married in 1911 in Brazil. They were sealed together on 27 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple.

31.  Sebastiana LIBERALINA was born on 13 Jun 1872 in Itambe, Pernambuco, Brazil. She died on 20 Jun 1965 at the age of 93 in Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. She was buried on 21 Jun 1965 in Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. Sebastiana was baptized into the LDS Church on 6 Jul 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple. She was endowed on 3 Oct 1991 in the Ogden Utah temple.