30 May 2012

Confirmation Record - Peder Jensen

Oh, these Jensen's! I have a few additional records for them, and then, I hit a brick wall. So, I'll post what I have so far and then may have to focus my efforts elsewhere for a while.

I have found Peder Jensen's (b. 1839) Confirmation record in the Nylarsker parish, Bornholm, Denmark:
Source: Danish State Archives, "Kirkebøger," digital images, Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline (www.sa.dk/ao/ : downloaded 4 June 2011), Peder Jensen, Confirmation Record, 1855, p 46, no 11; Bornholm Amt, Bornholm Vester Herred, Nylarsker Sogn 1847-1857.

Transcription / Translation:


NB 11

Aar og Datum
Year and Date
d. 27 Aug
27 Aug

Barnets fulde Navn
Child’s full name
Peder Jensen

Daabens Datum enten i Kirken eller hjemme
Christening Date either in the church or at home
Hjemmedøbt d. 27
Aug 1839
Bragt i Kirken
d. 6 Oct 1839
Home christened 27
Aug 1839
Brought to Church
6 Oct 1839

Forældres Navn, Stand, Haandtering og Opholdsted
Parents’ Name, Social Position, Occupation and Residence
Christen Jensen [8]
25 ???. Kristine
Christen Jensen [8]
25 [???] Kristine

[my comment: It seems like the "8" which descends the line is a kind of abbreiation, signifying that "now comes the address". Farms in Bornholm seemed to have some kind of numbering system, and I believe it possible, that Christen Jensen is living in 25 S??gg[rd?]. Not having any better way to show, I will use [8] to show]

Faddernes Navne, Stand og Opholdsted
Witnesses’ Names, Social Position and Residence
Gjertrud Kofod [8] ???? M.
Adelheid Groubech [8] Prgd
Jens Sonne, Hans Ipsen
Gertrud Kofod [8] ???? M.
Adelheid Groubech Prgd
Jens Sonne, Hans Ipsen

[Comment: Prgd could be an abbreviation for "Præstegaard" (= Parsonage/Rectory)]
Hvor anført i det alm. Jevnf. Reg. [almindelige Jevnførelses Register]
Where posted in the General Index Register
no. 129

efter No 6
after No 6

[comment: The pastor has forgotten to place the entry in chronological order. This would explain the NB in front of the name in the first column]


  • From his christening record I found his parents names - Christen and Kristine. 
  • The physician administering his vaccine doesn't match what I have from his marriage record. Here it states "Grove" but his marriage record says "Zahrtmann". Most of the other confirmants on this page were vaccinated by Zahrtmann...I wonder if this is the time period when the physician changed and the priest may have made an error. Then again, Peder's entry is out of order so perhaps "Grove" was the correct doctor.

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