Chapter 2 - Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)
Let's talk about the clubs or organizations you were in during these years, OK? Were you in cub scouts or brownies or were you in a 4-H club? What did you do in those clubs? What about church activities? Were you active in Primary? How did you feel about going? Did you like to learn the songs? Were you anxious to graduate to MIA? Do you have any specific memories about Primary that you can remember? Are they good or bad memories? Did your Primary years help you in your adult life? Tell me about it. How about a "secret club" with some of your friends in the neighborhood? What was the name of the club? (I know it's a secret, but I won't tell) Who was int he club and what did you do? Where were these club meetings held? Were these clubs and organizations or groups important to you? Why or why not?
Do you think your involvement or lack of involvement in groups like these had a significant influence in shaping your self concept and values? Were you ever in a children's choir? Did you ever participate in a dace recital? Were you ever in a sports league of any kind? Do you feel that sports participation on a league level at this early age is wise? Why or why not? Did you perform in a recital with an instrument? How do you feel about children int he grade school level taking lessons and performing? What about in competition? Is it too young? Did it benefit or hurt your early years? Explain.
18 September 2011
15 September 2011
Death Certificate - Genival Marinho de Macedo
![]() |
Genival Marinho de Macedo, abt 1955 |
Source: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dante Alighieri Campos Seixas, Death Certificate fl. 30, book C-0279, certificate no. 49230 (24 August 1999), Genival Marinho de Macedo; 23o Oficio de Notas, Jacarepagua/RJ.
Certifico que à fl. 30 do livro no C-0279 de registro de óbitos, sob o número de ordem 49230, foi lavrado o óbito de GENIVAL MARINHO DE MACEDO, falecido aos 24 dias do mês de agosto do ano de 1999, às 01:10 horas, no(a) Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ, do sexo masculine, filho de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Leonizia Marinho de Macedo, com 78 Anos de idade, profissão: ex-combatente, Estado Civil: casado com Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo, residente na Estrada da Boiuna, 1133, c/63-Taquara-RJ, natural de Paraíba. Deixou 1 filho(a) maior, deixou bens, não deixou testament, era eleitor. No do CPF: 025668187-20. Identidade No: MM42109. Causa mortis: insuficiência respiratória, doença pulmonary obstrutiva crônica, cardiomiopatia. Médico atestante: Dr(a). Fernando M. Theóphilo, Local do sepultamento: Jardim da Saudade de Sulacap – RJ. Declarante: Orlando Borges Fraga. Observações: *--*--*--*.
I certify that page 30 of book no. C-0279 of the registers of death, under the order (certificate) number 49230, was recorded the death of GENIVAL MARINHO DE MACEDO, died on the 24th day of the month of August in the year 1999, at 01:10 o’clock, on the Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ, sex male, son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Leonizia Marinho de Macedo, at 78 years of age, occupation: veteran, status: married to Deolinda Ferreira de Macedo, residence: Estrada da Boiuna, 1133, c/63-Taquara-RJ, native of Paraíba. Leaves one child of age, assets left, left no will, was a voter. CPF (SSN): 025668187-20. Identification no: MM42109. Cause of death: insufficient respiration, chronic pulmonary obstruction disease, cardiomyopathy. Medical certifying officer: Dr. Fernando M. Theóphilo, Location of Burial: Jardim da Saudade de Sulacap – RJ. Declarant: Orando Borges Fraga. Observations: [blank]
Of Note:
- He died at 1:10 am on the "Via Pública-Linha Amarela-RJ" which is a freeway. I think he was in an ambulance.
- Lists his parents and his age but not his birthdate. Good thing I already knew that.
- I wonder who the declarant is. I'll have to ask my dad if he knows him.
de Macedo,
Death Certificate
14 September 2011
Death Record - Maria Avelina da Conceicao
Antonio Avelino de Macedo was married before he married my great-grandmother Leonizia. According to his marriage record to Leonizia, he was the widow of Maria Avelina da Conceicao. I thought I better try to find her death record. I knew she died before 7 April 1920 when Antonio married Leonizia but didn't know how long she had been dead. I figured if, as according to my dad, he married 5 times, he didn't wait very long between marriages. So I started looking back from 1920 for Maria's death record. There are LOTS of Maria's in Brazil!!! I looked for the name (off to the side) then looked for the age. Many of the Maria's were young children or single/widows. Then I found her!
Source: Family Search, "Brazil, Catholic Church Records," digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 12 September 2011), Death of Maria Avelina da Conceicao, 8 Mar 1919, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1919, entry 25; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos oito de Marco de mil novecentos e dezenove foi sepultado no Cemiterio publico desta Villa o cadaver de Maria Amelia da Conceicao com quarenta e trez annos de idade cazada com Antonio Avelino de Macedo, o cadaver foi emcommendado moradores nesta Freguezia.
Para constar mandei fazer este assento.
Pe Antonio augusto, Vigario
On the eighth of March of nineteen hundred and nineteen was buried in the Public Cemetery of this township the body of Maria Amelia da Conceicao at fourty three years of age married to Antonio Avelino de Macedo, the body was designated as residents of this County.
For the record I made this truthful account
Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Items of Note:
Source: Family Search, "Brazil, Catholic Church Records," digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 12 September 2011), Death of Maria Avelina da Conceicao, 8 Mar 1919, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1919, entry 25; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos oito de Marco de mil novecentos e dezenove foi sepultado no Cemiterio publico desta Villa o cadaver de Maria Amelia da Conceicao com quarenta e trez annos de idade cazada com Antonio Avelino de Macedo, o cadaver foi emcommendado moradores nesta Freguezia.
Para constar mandei fazer este assento.
Pe Antonio augusto, Vigario
On the eighth of March of nineteen hundred and nineteen was buried in the Public Cemetery of this township the body of Maria Amelia da Conceicao at fourty three years of age married to Antonio Avelino de Macedo, the body was designated as residents of this County.
For the record I made this truthful account
Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Items of Note:
- Maria died on 8 Mar 1919, and Antonio married his next wife, Leonizia on 7 Apr 1920 just over a year later.
- Maria was 43 years old when she died, did she really die in childbirth and was it really her first child as my father said? If Maria was Antonio's 3rd wife, maybe she was married before? Or, maybe they hadn't been married long?
da Conceicao,
de Macedo,
Death Record
13 September 2011
Marriage Record - Antonio and Leonizia deMacedo
After looking at Leonizia's Death Certificate I decided to look for the church Marriage Record so that I could find out more information about her. Here's the record of their marriage in the Parrish records (bottom right entry). I had my dad help me with translating and understanding some of the words.
Source: Family Search, "Brazil, Catholic Church Records," digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 9 September 2011), Marriage of Antonio de Macedo and Leonisia Marinho, 7 Apr 1920, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1920, entry 4; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos sete de Abril de mil novecentos e vinte, nesta matriz de Picuhy, servatis servandis, perante as testemunhas Bel Jose Bezerra Dantas e Theophanos Alves da Silva, assisti ao recebimento matrimonial de Antonio Avelino de Macedo, viuvo de Maria Amelia da Conceicao, com Leonizia Marinho do Rego, elle filho legitimo de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Petronilla Maria dos Prazeres, ella filha legitima de Luiz Jose Marinho e Avelina Rosa Marinho.
Para constar fiz este assento.
Pe. Antonio Augusto, Vigario.
On the seventh of April of nineteen twenty, in this parish of Picuhy, servatis servandis (latin for: With what is to be preserved having been preserved) in the presence of witnesses, Bachelor/Graduate Jose Bezerra Dantas and Theophanos Alves da Silva, I witnessed the nuptials/matrimony of Antonio Avelino de Macedo, widower of Maria Amelia da Conceicao with Leonizia Marinho do Rego, him a legal son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Petronilla Maria dos Prazeres, her legal daughter of Luiz Jose Marinho and Avelina Rosa Marinho.
To document it I made this record.
Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Interesting Items:
Source: Family Search, "Brazil, Catholic Church Records," digital image, Family Search ( : downloaded 9 September 2011), Marriage of Antonio de Macedo and Leonisia Marinho, 7 Apr 1920, Sao Sebastiao, Picui, Paraiba, Brazil, Anno de 1920, entry 4; from dioceses and local parish archives throughout Brazil.
Aos sete de Abril de mil novecentos e vinte, nesta matriz de Picuhy, servatis servandis, perante as testemunhas Bel Jose Bezerra Dantas e Theophanos Alves da Silva, assisti ao recebimento matrimonial de Antonio Avelino de Macedo, viuvo de Maria Amelia da Conceicao, com Leonizia Marinho do Rego, elle filho legitimo de Antonio Avelino de Macedo e Petronilla Maria dos Prazeres, ella filha legitima de Luiz Jose Marinho e Avelina Rosa Marinho.
Para constar fiz este assento.
Pe. Antonio Augusto, Vigario.
On the seventh of April of nineteen twenty, in this parish of Picuhy, servatis servandis (latin for: With what is to be preserved having been preserved) in the presence of witnesses, Bachelor/Graduate Jose Bezerra Dantas and Theophanos Alves da Silva, I witnessed the nuptials/matrimony of Antonio Avelino de Macedo, widower of Maria Amelia da Conceicao with Leonizia Marinho do Rego, him a legal son of Antonio Avelino de Macedo and Petronilla Maria dos Prazeres, her legal daughter of Luiz Jose Marinho and Avelina Rosa Marinho.
To document it I made this record.
Father Antonio Augusto, vicar.
Interesting Items:
- The date we had in the database for the marriage was wrong! We had 6th of April instead of 7th of April.
- One of the witnesses is listed as "Bel" which means Bachelor...but not unmarried man, rather a man with a bachelor degree.
- Antonio was married before to Maria. When I asked my dad about this he said that Leonizia was Antonio's 4th wife. His first 4 wives died in childbirth, the first three wives with their first child. Leonizia had two children, my Grandfather and Great Uncle. According to my father, Antonio was married one last time after Leonizia. I need to go back and find all these marriage/death/birth records.
- Now I can add Antonio's father and correct Leonizia's parents' names in our database.
de Macedo,
Do Rego,
Marriage Record
12 September 2011
Leonisia Marinho de Macedo - Death Certificate
My father gave me a few documents that he has collected over the years. This is the Death Certificate for my Paternal Grandfather's Mother, Leonisia Marinho de Macedo. My parents went to the registry office to get a transcribed copy of the death certificate.
Source: Paraiba, Brazil, Cartorio do Registro Civil, Death Certificate reg. no. 168/84, page 68-v, book C-5 (6 July 1922, copy 5 April 1984), Leonisia Marinho de Macedo; Servico de Notas Registro Civil das Pessoas Naturais de Barauna, Centro Baruna/PB.
Interesting Information:
Source: Paraiba, Brazil, Cartorio do Registro Civil, Death Certificate reg. no. 168/84, page 68-v, book C-5 (6 July 1922, copy 5 April 1984), Leonisia Marinho de Macedo; Servico de Notas Registro Civil das Pessoas Naturais de Barauna, Centro Baruna/PB.
que, às folhas 68-v do livro
no. C-5
de registros de óbitos,
Falecido ao 06 de julho
de 1922 às – horas, em domicilio nesta vila
Picuí PB. do sexo feminino de cor :z:z:z:z:
profissao .z:z:z:z:z:z: natural de :z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z: domicilado nesta vila
e residente nesta vila com 32
de idade, estado civil casada
filho de :z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:
natural de :z:z:z:z:z
e de :z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:
profissão :z:z:z:z:z:z
natural de :z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:
e residente em :z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:
foi declarante Antonio Avelino de Macedo
sendo o atestado de óbito
firmado por :z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:z:
que deu como causa da morte :z parto
O sepultamento foi feito no Cemiterio desta cidade de Picui PB.
Livro do Registro no. C-5 fls 68-v no 158 em 11.7.1922.
O referido é verdade e dou fe.
Cr$ 20,00 168/84
Fls.9-v do L-n
Picuí 05 de Abril de 1984
Saldecir Bezerra Barros Eseredente
Oficial do registro Civil
It is certified that, the pages 68-v of book no. C-5 of death registries,
contains the information of Leonisia Marinho de Macedo
died on 06
of July of 1922 at – o’clock, in her home in this town
Picui, PB. of sex female, color -----,
occupation -----, born at ------, home in this town,
resident of
this town, at 32
years of
age, marital status married,
daughter of [i.e. father] -----,
occupation -----, born at -----,
and of [i.e. mother] -----, occupation -----,
born at -----, and resident of -----.
Declaring: Antonio Avelino de Macedo
being a witness of the death and signed by -----
and gave as cause of death labor/delivery
The burial was done at the cemetery of this city of Picui, PB
Remarks: book of registry no. C-5 fls 68-v no 158 em 11.7.1922.
The above is true and
I give faith.
Cr$ 20,00 168/84
Fls.9-v do L-n
Picuí 05 de April de
Bezerra Barros Eseredente
Civil Registry
Interesting Information:
- Leonisia died in childbirth. According to the dates she died on 6 July 1922. Her last child, Amilton Marinho de Macedo, my father's uncle, was born on 3 May 1922. So, Leonisia was ill for about a month before she died.
- The Declarant is my great-grandfather, Leonisia's husband.
- I'm surprised that so many fields were left blank. It would have been great to find her father and mother and where they were born. I will have to look for some sort of marriage record which I hope will have this information on it.
de Macedo,
Death Certificate,
Do Rego
11 September 2011
Week 12: School
Chapter 2 - Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)
Did you attend a formal (public or private) elementary school or were you taught at home? Do you remember the names of the school(s) you attended up through the 6th grade? What were those schools like...big or small...always hot or too cold or just right? Well lit or poorly lit? Quiet or noisy?
Were those elementary schools close to home or did you have to walk a long way to get there? How did you get to school? Did you ride a bus (or a horse, or a bicycle, or something else?) or did your parents take you?
Did you ever get into "trouble" at elementary school? What games did you play at recess? Do you remember anything significant or unusual that happened on your way to or from school? Did you have any special teachers in elementary school (or up until the time that you were approximately 12 years old)? What do you remember about them? Why were they so special? Any particularly memorable principals (or ones who used a big paddle)? Were those early school years fun and exciting, or were they difficult and frightening, ro some of each? Why? What made them that way? I'd like to hear about it.
Did you attend a formal (public or private) elementary school or were you taught at home? Do you remember the names of the school(s) you attended up through the 6th grade? What were those schools like...big or small...always hot or too cold or just right? Well lit or poorly lit? Quiet or noisy?
Were those elementary schools close to home or did you have to walk a long way to get there? How did you get to school? Did you ride a bus (or a horse, or a bicycle, or something else?) or did your parents take you?
Did you ever get into "trouble" at elementary school? What games did you play at recess? Do you remember anything significant or unusual that happened on your way to or from school? Did you have any special teachers in elementary school (or up until the time that you were approximately 12 years old)? What do you remember about them? Why were they so special? Any particularly memorable principals (or ones who used a big paddle)? Were those early school years fun and exciting, or were they difficult and frightening, ro some of each? Why? What made them that way? I'd like to hear about it.
Book of Memories
09 September 2011
Newspaper - Mathias Lund - death notices
I searched for Mathias Lund on the Utah Digital Newspapers site and got a few hits for his death announcements.
The first one was published on 2 May 1926, the day he died.
Source: University of Utah, "Deaths," death notice, Ogden Standard Examiner, 2 May 1926, Mathias C. Lund death announcement; online images, Utah Digital Newspapers ( : downloaded 8 September 2011).
Source: University of Utah, "Deaths," death notice, Ogden Standard Examiner, 3 March 1926, Mathias Christian Lund death announcement; online images, Utah Digital Newspapers ( : downloaded 8 September 2011).
A few days later the family posted an acknowledgement in the paper for all the people who have helped them:
The first one was published on 2 May 1926, the day he died.
Source: University of Utah, "Deaths," death notice, Ogden Standard Examiner, 2 May 1926, Mathias C. Lund death announcement; online images, Utah Digital Newspapers ( : downloaded 8 September 2011).
DEATHS ----- Mathias C. Lund of Plain City, aged 76, died this morning at 2 o’clock at the local hospital following a week’s illness. He is survived by six daughters, three sons, and one brother, Willard R. Lund. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Lindquist undertakers, and will be announced tomorrow.Then the next day there was another announcement.
Source: University of Utah, "Deaths," death notice, Ogden Standard Examiner, 3 March 1926, Mathias Christian Lund death announcement; online images, Utah Digital Newspapers ( : downloaded 8 September 2011).
DEATHS ----- Mathias Christian Lund, son of Dedrick F. and Karen Christina Hansen Lund, died at the local hospital Monday after an illness of three weeks. He was born in Bornholm, Denmark, Sept. 1 1849. He joined the Latter Day Saints church in 1853 and in July of that year left his native land to cast his lot with the Mormons in Utah. He arrived in Ogden over the Union Pacific railway. The terminus was then at Riverdale, where he got off the train at 3 o’clock in the morning. After a short sleep in the willows nearby he walked to Plain City. He established his home there and had since resided in that place. He was married to Pauline Swenson in 1874. Mrs. Lund died two years ago. Mr. Lund was an earnest and devoted Latter Day Saint, having been deacon, teacher, priest, elder, seventy and high priest, which latter office he held at the time of his death. For the last few years he had done genealogical work. He was the father of 10 children, nine of whom survive. Thy are Mrs. J.D. Moore of Ogden, Mrs. P. M. Folman and Francis M. Lund of Plain City; Mrs. R. A. Witten of Perry, Victor, Heber, Sadie and Clyde Lund and Mrs. Lawrence Cottle, all of Plain City. One brother, W. R. Lund of Plain City. 27 grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive. Funeral services will be held on Friday at 1:30 o’clock at the Plain City meeting house with Bishop Wilmer Maw presiding. Flowers left at Lindquist’s on Friday until 11 o’clock will be taken to the home at Plain City. The body may be viewed there Thursday evening and also on Friday until the funeral.Isn't that an awesome obituary!?! It added so much more information to his immigration. Now I wonder if there is a way to find passenger lists for the Union Pacific Railroad.
A few days later the family posted an acknowledgement in the paper for all the people who have helped them:
Source: University
of Utah, "Acknowledgement," announcement, Ogden Standard Examiner,
6 March 1926, acknowledgement of friends during MC Lund funeral; online images,
Utah Digital Newspapers ( : downloaded 8 September
2011); p. 6.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ----- To the many friends who have assisted us in any way during the sickness, death and burial of our beloved father, Mathias C. Lund, and especially for the many beautiful floral offerings, we extend our heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation.Not sure what the 2724 means at the bottom...any ideas?
May you all be likewise remembered in your hour of affliction.
With Sincere Gratitude.
Death Notice,
08 September 2011
Weber County, Utah - Newspapers
I found a great new site for geneological information - Utah Digital Newspapers. This site, created by the University of Utah, has a bunch of articles from different Utah newspapers - digitized and indexed! I did a quick search for Mathias Lund and Karen Lund in the Ogden Standard Examiner and found a few interesting articles, which I'll post over the next few days.
For now, here's some interesting information about the Ogden Standard Examiner from the Utah Digital Newspapers website.
Ogden Standard
1879 - 1927
With the completion of the transcontinental railroad in northern Utah in 1869, Ogden saw the rise and fall of several dozen newspapers. Because of the short tenure of many of these newspapers, Ogden became known as the "graveyard of Western journalism."
The Ogden newspapers available on this webpage are listed below.
Gaps in the collection of the daily Standard are being filled with the semi-weekly version of that paper: Jan-Dec 1889, Jan-Jun 1896, Jan-Jun 1900, Jul-Dec 1905, Jul-Dec 1907.
More information about the Ogden Standard (from the website):
Historians have referred to Ogden, Utah, as the graveyard of western journalism because of the short life expectancy of the dozens of newspapers that sprang up there after 1869. The completion of the transcontinental railroad that year quickly transformed the sleepy agricultural town into a bustling transportation hub. Newspapers came and went, vying for the thousands of potential readers arriving on the nine rail lines with terminals in the city. The Ogden Standard bucked the trend. Founded by Frank J. Cannon, the Standard first appeared on January 1, 1888, with its front page featuring a poem entitled "A Hymn to Progress." When Cannon was elected to the U.S. Congress four years later, the paper's business manager, William Glassman, took over day-to-day operations. He acquired the Standard outright in 1894 and quickly molded it into a promotional organ for his own political career – Glassman served three terms as mayor.
The paper also carried world and national news. When the Spanish American War erupted in 1898, the story occupied the Standard's entire front page. Local news included articles about Utah's booming mining industry, notes from the local police blotter, and such nuggets as the Christmas Eve 1907 account of a hapless man who accidentally killed his friend in a failed attempt to shoot his cowboy hat off with a pistol.
In 1920, the paper merged with the Morning Examiner, becoming the Ogden Standard Examiner. Today, the Standard-Examiner is the third-largest daily in the state.
For now, here's some interesting information about the Ogden Standard Examiner from the Utah Digital Newspapers website.
Ogden Standard
The Ogden Standard ExaminerApril 5, 1920 |
With the completion of the transcontinental railroad in northern Utah in 1869, Ogden saw the rise and fall of several dozen newspapers. Because of the short tenure of many of these newspapers, Ogden became known as the "graveyard of Western journalism."
The Ogden newspapers available on this webpage are listed below.
- Ogden Junction (1879-1881)
- Ogden Herald (1881-1887)
- Ogden Standard (1888-1908)
- Ogden Standard Examiner (1923-1927)
Gaps in the collection of the daily Standard are being filled with the semi-weekly version of that paper: Jan-Dec 1889, Jan-Jun 1896, Jan-Jun 1900, Jul-Dec 1905, Jul-Dec 1907.
More information about the Ogden Standard (from the website):
Historians have referred to Ogden, Utah, as the graveyard of western journalism because of the short life expectancy of the dozens of newspapers that sprang up there after 1869. The completion of the transcontinental railroad that year quickly transformed the sleepy agricultural town into a bustling transportation hub. Newspapers came and went, vying for the thousands of potential readers arriving on the nine rail lines with terminals in the city. The Ogden Standard bucked the trend. Founded by Frank J. Cannon, the Standard first appeared on January 1, 1888, with its front page featuring a poem entitled "A Hymn to Progress." When Cannon was elected to the U.S. Congress four years later, the paper's business manager, William Glassman, took over day-to-day operations. He acquired the Standard outright in 1894 and quickly molded it into a promotional organ for his own political career – Glassman served three terms as mayor.
The paper also carried world and national news. When the Spanish American War erupted in 1898, the story occupied the Standard's entire front page. Local news included articles about Utah's booming mining industry, notes from the local police blotter, and such nuggets as the Christmas Eve 1907 account of a hapless man who accidentally killed his friend in a failed attempt to shoot his cowboy hat off with a pistol.
In 1920, the paper merged with the Morning Examiner, becoming the Ogden Standard Examiner. Today, the Standard-Examiner is the third-largest daily in the state.
07 September 2011
Janus F. Lund - Death Certificate
Source: State of Utah, Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1956, entry no. 18282, Janus F.
Lund, 8 September 1908; digital images, Utah State Archives and Records Service,
Utah State Archives ( : downloaded 30 May 2011); Series
no. 81448.
Janus F. Lund – Death Certificate
State Board of Health File No.
Place of Death
County or
Precinct or
City / no.
/ ward
Ogden / Ogden
Medical Hosp.
Date of Birth
Jan 22, 1852
56 years, 7 months, 16 days
Single, Married, Widowed, or Divorced
Birthplace (State or country)
Name of Father
Didrick J Lund
Birthplace of Father (State or Country)
Maiden Name of Mother
Karen C. Hansen
Birthplace of Mother (State or Country)
Lorenzo Lund
Plain City
Place of Burial, Cremation or Removal
Date of Burial
Plain City
Sept, 10 1908
Full Name
Former or Usual Residence
of resident at place of death
Janus F. Lund
Plain City, Utah
2 days
Date of Death
Sept 8, 1908
hereby Certify, That I attended deceased from Sept 4, 1908 to Sept 8,
1908 that I last saw [blank]
alive on [blank] and that death
occurred, on the date stated above, at 7:36
Cause of Death was as follows: internal
contracted: home
Duration: 4 days.
Contributory: Fracture scull
contracted: home
Duration: 4 days.
(Signed), M.D.
(signed) Sev. W. Baxtor
9/9/8, Ogden
Filed / Registrar
Sept 9, 1908 / N.
J. Browning
Registered No.
no of Burial or Removal Permit
Death Certificate,
06 September 2011
Census 1880 - Janus Lund Family - Plain City, Utah
Moving on to another of Mathias' brothers, let's check in on Janus Lund's family in 1880.
1880 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 100, p. 473A, dwelling 6, family 6, Janus Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry ( : downloaded 6 May 2011); Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
US Census 1880
Page 3, ED 100
Plain City Precinct
2 Jun 1880
Lines 21-26, Family 6, Dwelling 6
Line 21. Lund, Janus, W, M, 28, [head], married, Teamster, 4 mo unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 22. -----, Christina, W, F, 28, wife, married, keeping house, pob: Sweden, father pob: Sweden, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 23. -----, Annie, W, F, 5, daughter, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 24. -----, Lucinida, W, F, 3, daughter, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 25. -----, Lorenzo, W, M, 1, son, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 26. Miller, Albert, W, M, 9, stepson, at school, pob: Utah, father pob: England, mother pob: Sweden.
Of interest:
1880 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 100, p. 473A, dwelling 6, family 6, Janus Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry ( : downloaded 6 May 2011); Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
US Census 1880
Page 3, ED 100
Plain City Precinct
2 Jun 1880
Lines 21-26, Family 6, Dwelling 6
Line 21. Lund, Janus, W, M, 28, [head], married, Teamster, 4 mo unemployed, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark.
Line 22. -----, Christina, W, F, 28, wife, married, keeping house, pob: Sweden, father pob: Sweden, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 23. -----, Annie, W, F, 5, daughter, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 24. -----, Lucinida, W, F, 3, daughter, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 25. -----, Lorenzo, W, M, 1, son, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Sweden.
Line 26. Miller, Albert, W, M, 9, stepson, at school, pob: Utah, father pob: England, mother pob: Sweden.
Of interest:
- According to wikipedia: The term "teamster" originally referred to a person who drove a team of draft animals, usually a wagon drawn by oxen, horses, or mules. This term was common by the time of the Mexican-American War (1848) and the Indian Wars throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries on the American frontier.
- Janus' wife, Christina is the sister of Mathias' wife Pauline.
- Albert is Christina's son from a previous marriage...according to the family group sheet Christina was married to an Albert Miller in 1869. I haven't found a census for them yet but will look for that next.
- The second daughter's name is listed in newFamilySearch as Lucinda which makes a lot more sense then Lucinida.
05 September 2011
Census 1930 - Heber Lund Family - Farr West, Utah
I already posted this Census as part of my investigation into Lloyd Lund, but I thought I better post the transcription too.
1930 U.S. Census, Plain City Precinct, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 29-5 (SD) 1-Utah, sheet 4A, dwelling 67, family 67, Heber C. Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry ( : downloaded 19 June 2011); NARA.
1930 Census – Lund, Heber C and Alta
Utah, Weber Co., Farr West Precinct.
(ED) 29-5, sheet 4A
22 Apr. 1930
Line 4. Lund, Heber C. Head, owned valued at $1000, farm, M, W, 38, Mar. at 24 yo, no school in 1929, yes read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English, Farmer, General Farm, owner (code vvvv), at work, not veteran, Farm Schedule #45.
Line 5. -----, Alta. Wife, F, W, 39 , Mar. at 25 yo, no school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English.
Line 6. -----, Ethel S. Daughter, F, W, 14 , S, yes school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English.
Line 7. -----, Carl. Son, M, W, 11 , S, yes school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English.
Line 8. Lund, Clide. Sister, F, W, 40, S, no school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English, Clerk, Dept. Store (code 8390), worker, at work.
Line 8. -----, Sadie. Sister, F, W, 36, S, no school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English, Clerk, Dept. Store (code 8390), worker, at work.
A few interesting things:
1930 U.S. Census, Plain City Precinct, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, enumeration district (ED) 29-5 (SD) 1-Utah, sheet 4A, dwelling 67, family 67, Heber C. Lund Family; digital images, Ancestry ( : downloaded 19 June 2011); NARA.
1930 Census – Lund, Heber C and Alta
Utah, Weber Co., Farr West Precinct.
(ED) 29-5, sheet 4A
22 Apr. 1930
Line 4. Lund, Heber C. Head, owned valued at $1000, farm, M, W, 38, Mar. at 24 yo, no school in 1929, yes read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English, Farmer, General Farm, owner (code vvvv), at work, not veteran, Farm Schedule #45.
Line 5. -----, Alta. Wife, F, W, 39 , Mar. at 25 yo, no school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English.
Line 6. -----, Ethel S. Daughter, F, W, 14 , S, yes school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English.
Line 7. -----, Carl. Son, M, W, 11 , S, yes school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English.
Line 8. Lund, Clide. Sister, F, W, 40, S, no school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English, Clerk, Dept. Store (code 8390), worker, at work.
Line 8. -----, Sadie. Sister, F, W, 36, S, no school in 1929, can read and write, pob: Utah, father pob: Utah, mother pob: Utah, yes speak English, Clerk, Dept. Store (code 8390), worker, at work.
A few interesting things:
- Heber's parents are listed as being born in Utah, but I know that his father Mathias was born in Denmark and his mother Pauline was born in Sweden. (they are also Sadie and Clide's parents) This is a good example of being cautious of information on any of these records.
- According to DollarTimes, $1,000.00 in 1930 had the same buying power as $12,742.97 in 2011. (Annual inflation over this period was 3.19%). Not sure I believe that because even if Heber's farm property in Plain City was only 1 acre, it would be worth at least $50,000 but most likely up to about $100,000.
- I wonder which department store the girls (Clide and Sadie) worked at. They must have gone into Ogden because there's no Department store in Plain City.
04 September 2011
This day in history...
Burdick, Steven James (Spouse of Troy's 2nd Cousin)
Born 4 Sep 195x in Whittier, California, United States
DeMacedo, Julliana (ME!)
Born 4 Sep 198x in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Evans, Scott Delafield and Angela Lund (Troy's Sis and Bro. in Law)
Married 4 Sep 200x in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Freestone, Edwin Lloyd (Troy's 1st Cousin twice removed)
LDS Baptism 4 Sep 1927
Freestone, Leland Harold (Troy's 1st Cousin twice removed)
LDS Baptism 4 Sep 1927
Hansen, Veva Andrea (Spouse of Troy's 1st Cousin 3 times removed)
Buried 4 Sep 1948 in Tremonton, Box Elder, Utah, United States
Jorgenson, Ivor (Spouse of Troy's 2nd cousin twice removed)
Born 4 Sep 1895 in Weber Co, Utah, United States
Kennedy, Wayne Joseph (Spouse of Troy's 1st cousin twice removed)
LDS Baptism 4 Sep 1931
LDS Confirmation 4 Sep 1921
Mayer, Hugh (Troy's Seventh great granduncle)
LDS Endowment 4 Sep 1931
Poll, Calvin Warner (Troy's 1st cousin once removed)
Born 4 Sep 195x in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States
Warner, Phyllis Jeanette (Troy's grandaunt)
LDS Baptism 4 Sep 1934
Wilson, George (Troy's 1st cousin twice removed)
LDS Baptism 4 Sep 1895
Week 11: Bark & Purr
Chapter 2 - Early Life Memories (up to about 12 years old.)
In this topic "Bark and Purr" I will ask you about your pets during these years. Did you have a pet? Or, did your family have a dog, cat, bird, spider, horse, pet snake, rabbit, hamster...?
Were these pets really important to you during these years? Why or how were they important? Did any of your pets die? How did you deal with their death? Did a pet ever rescue you (like "Rin-Tin-Tin" or "Lassie" used to do)? What happened? Do you wish you had had more or some other kind of pets? Why? Is it helpful or beneficial for children to have pets as they are growing up? How do they help or are they relatively unimportant? In future chapters, I will ask about your pets later in life. For right now, just tell me anything else you'd like to say about your pets in these "early years" (up until the time you were approximately 12 years old.
In this topic "Bark and Purr" I will ask you about your pets during these years. Did you have a pet? Or, did your family have a dog, cat, bird, spider, horse, pet snake, rabbit, hamster...?
Were these pets really important to you during these years? Why or how were they important? Did any of your pets die? How did you deal with their death? Did a pet ever rescue you (like "Rin-Tin-Tin" or "Lassie" used to do)? What happened? Do you wish you had had more or some other kind of pets? Why? Is it helpful or beneficial for children to have pets as they are growing up? How do they help or are they relatively unimportant? In future chapters, I will ask about your pets later in life. For right now, just tell me anything else you'd like to say about your pets in these "early years" (up until the time you were approximately 12 years old.
Book of Memories
03 September 2011
William Mills - Certificate of Citizenship
I finally scanned all the pages of Aliene's Family History and and working my way through it slowly. There is so much information in there and lots of it needs to be verified. Luckily, she included some (copies of) original documents. Here's the Certificate of Citizenship for her Maternal Grandfather, William Mills.
William Mills, certificate of citizenship, 1882, no. 338, copy in Book of Rememberance, Second Judicial District of the Territory of Utah; Troy Lund Home, Clinton, Utah.
William Mills, certificate of citizenship, 1882, no. 338, copy in Book of Rememberance, Second Judicial District of the Territory of Utah; Troy Lund Home, Clinton, Utah.
CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP.—Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Stationers, 118 and 120 Monroe Street, Chicago.
No. 338
In the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the Territory of Utah,
PRESENT: Hon Stephen P. Twiss Judge
In the Matter of the Application of
William Mills
To become a Citizen of the United States of America
September Term, A. D. 1882
this 8th day of September
A. D. 1882, as yet of said term.
It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, by the oaths of
Albert Nadauld and Edmund McLatchie citizens of the United States of America, witnesses for that purpose, first duly sworn and examined, that William Mills a native of England has resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States five years at least last past, and within the Territory of Utah for one year last past; and that during all of said five years’ time he has behaved as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same; and it also appearing to the Court by competent evidence, that the said applicant has heretofore, and more than two years since, and in due form of law, declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States; and having now here, before this Court, taken an oath that he will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Prince, State or Sovereignty whatever, and particularly to Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the said William Mills be and he is hereby admitted and declared to be a CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Stephen P. Twiss
Office the Clerk of District Court of the Second Judicial District
of the Territory of Utah, County of Beaver, }ss.
I, J.R. Wilkins Clerk of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, said court being a Court of Record, having common law jurisdiction, and a Clerk and Seal, do certify that the above is a true copy of the act of Naturalization of William Mills as the same appears upon the records of said Court now in my office.
IN TESTIMONY THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of said Court, this 8th day of September
A. D. 1882
J. R. Wilkins Clerk
John Barraclough Deputy Clerk
02 September 2011
Census 1870 - Hans and Bertha Funck (Lund) - Plain City, Utah
Let's take a look at the 1870 census for Hans and Bertha. Remember, that by the 1880 census Bertha is married to Hans' younger brother Willard. Unfortunately, this census gives us little information.
1870 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, page 8, dwelling 58, family 58, H.P. Funck Family; digital images, Family Search ( : downloaded 30 August 2011); FHL microfilm.
Page No. 8, Plain City, Weber, Utah, 18 Jun 1870
Lines 35-37. Dwelling #58, Family #58.
Line 35. Funck, H P, 26, M, W, farmer, pob: Denmark, father of foreign birth, mother of foreign birth.
Line 36. -----, Bertha A, 22, F, W, keeping house, pob: Norway, father of foreign birth, mother of foreign birth.
Line 37. -----, Anna, 2/12, F, W, pob: Utah, father of foreign birth, mother of foreign birth, born in Apr 1870.
Items of note:
1870 U.S. Census, Plain City, Weber, Utah, population schedule, Plain City Precinct, page 8, dwelling 58, family 58, H.P. Funck Family; digital images, Family Search ( : downloaded 30 August 2011); FHL microfilm.
Page No. 8, Plain City, Weber, Utah, 18 Jun 1870
Lines 35-37. Dwelling #58, Family #58.
Line 35. Funck, H P, 26, M, W, farmer, pob: Denmark, father of foreign birth, mother of foreign birth.
Line 36. -----, Bertha A, 22, F, W, keeping house, pob: Norway, father of foreign birth, mother of foreign birth.
Line 37. -----, Anna, 2/12, F, W, pob: Utah, father of foreign birth, mother of foreign birth, born in Apr 1870.
Items of note:
- Using the last name Funck.
- We now know that Anna (Annie) was born in April of 1870.
I have Hans' death date as 26 Sep 1872, from a family group record for his father Diderich from the new Family Search. I wonder what he died of at such a young age (28 years old). That same family group record lists the marriage between Willard and Bertha as 1868...when Hans was still alive, and Willard would have been 10 years old! I think someone looked at Anna's age and assumed that Willard and Bertha married before the baby was born. I think 1868 might be when Hans and Bertha were married. So now I wonder when Willard and Bertha were married. By 1880 they had two children young Willard (2) and George (2 mo). So perhaps sometime around 1877-8? Maybe the 1868 on the family group record was a typo for 1878. These are all questions yet to be answered.
01 September 2011
Census 1900 - Willard Lund Family - Plain City, Weber, Utah
11 June 1900
Utah, Weber, Plain City Precinct
SD 273, ED 194, Sheet No. 4
Lines 51-56. Dwelling #75, Family #78.
Line 51. Lund, Willard R., Head, W, M, June 1858, 41, married for 25 years, pob: Denmark, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Denmark, immigrated 1871, in US for 28 years, Naturalized, farmer, can read, can write, can speak English, Owned, Free, Farm, Farm Schedule #49.
Line 52. -----, Bertie E, Wife, W, F, Sep 1847, 52, married for 25 years, 9 children, 5 still living, pob: Norway, father pob: Norway, mother pob: Norway, immigrated 1861, in US for 38 years, can read, can write, can speak English.
Line 53. -----, Willard, Son, W, M, Nov 1887, 22, single, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway, Farm Laborer, 3 mo. unemployed, can read, can write, can speak English.
Line 54. -----, Almendy D, Daughter, W, F, Dec 1881, 18, single, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway, can read, can write, can speak English.
Line 55. -----, Hyrum E, Son, W, M, Dec 1883, 16, single, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway, at school for 8 months, can read, can write, can speak English.
Line 56. -----, Jesse L, Son, W, M, Feb 1886, 14, single, pob: Utah, father pob: Denmark, mother pob: Norway, at school for 8 months, can read, can write, can speak English.
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